Title: Growing Skin
Series: Book III in the My Brave Little Man Memoir Series
Published by: The Bandi Media Group LLC
Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-9836636-2-1
eBook ISBN: 978-0-9836636-5-2
Buy the Book: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-a-Million, Bookshop, IndieBound, Booktopia, eBooks.com
In 1964, Terry joins the Navy and finds himself back in the real world, a world far removed from the “soul-modeling community” he had been adopted into. Here, he returns to the world of fighting. In Radar A School alone, he gets into seven fights, and for this, he is promoted. Two weeks after reporting for duty aboard the USS Mahan, Terry disobeys a direct order—resulting, again, in a promotion. With it, a “sharp mind” emerges, and his skin begins to thicken as he audaciously faces the many emergencies assigned to him during the Vietnam War.
Follow Terry as he puts in 12-hour days and takes on challenges normally assigned to higher-ups. Read about Terry’s Give-a-Shit Buttons and how his actions save the ship from a disaster predicted by the psychic, Jeane Dixon; how he gives last-minute instructions to pilots going in for airstrikes and calmly deals with maydays; and how some pilots never return due to decisions made by self-serving officers.
Leaf through his many adventures in port. Read about a mentally distraught sailor shoving a sawed-off shotgun in Terry’s stomach, about taking on a barracks full of Korean marines, and about the day he stopped fighting. On a lighter note, learn about his voyage into the world of acting, about the two mind-blowing years he played quarterback on a Navy football team, about his atypical relationship with a ship’s captain, and how the captain supported him after he received a Dear John letter.
Following the Navy years, Terry enters college and a bright new world opens up. Read about what his high school English teacher said when he learned about Terry’s grades, about how he earned his way through college producing and writing television programs, and about teaching television drama and a student in the class named John Ritter, who later starred in the TV series, “Three’s Company”. Is this the end of the series, or will there be another book?
Check out the first two books in the series:
© 2021 Terry A. Degner – The Bandi Media Group LLC. All rights reserved.