A Story of Adversity, Perseverance, & Triumph

The My Brave Little Man Memoir Series

These books are larger-than-life, creative nonfiction, true stories of a man who credits his life experiences for turning him into the man he is today. As one reader of the series put it, “This memoir series should be a must-read. It highlights how someone not only survives but thrives in adversity. It reminded me of books such as Orphan Train, The Kitchen House, and Angela’s Ashes. Great read; I couldn’t put it down!” – D.A. Tipton

My Brave Little Man

Learn more about Terry’s captivating memoir series.

Terry Degner

About Terry

Terry is a retired video and multimedia producer, director, editor, scriptwriter, and entrepreneur. Unlike ninety percent of all writers who build a forest around a tree, Terry delineates the forest. As one of his clients put it, “Terry, you have a real gift for analyzing the big picture and simplifying the complicated.”

Terry started writing the series in 2004. The first book, My Brave Little Man, was published in 2011, and The Weight of the World and Growing Skin were published in 2018.

In 2020, Terry took his family to the gardens behind the college of St. Scholastica in Duluth, Minnesota.


Sitting in the garden was the bench where, at the age of seven and the day before his adoption in 1953, Terry and his biological mother sat and talked.

While on the bench, his mother called him “my brave little man,” and Terry promised his mother he would return to find her when he was older.

Terry Sitting